Real Girl Needs Your Help!!

Real Girl Beauty readers are some of the most supportive people in cyberland, so I'm hoping you'll all help me with my next Ultimate Blogger challenge. I've got to recruit creative people! That's you guys!! (AND For all of you FED UP with Ultimate Blogger, there's only one week left of the competition. Promise!)
Plus? It's a really fun challenge. I'm asking people to describe--or even post pictures of!--the outfit(s) they've worn that should have never left the closet.
AWESOMELY BAD OUTFITS! Click here to read all about it and add yours!! The deadline? Is This Tuesday, March 21, at 3PM EST.
I've also created an excellent Flickr group for sharing pictures in case you want to dig out some of those bad boys! Come join the fun.
The one above? Is my Bat Mitzvah dress, 1989. Turquoise taffeta. Stop being so jealous.
Thanks in advance for this, guys. You're doing an old broad a GREAT favor!
And soon, we'll be talking all about luscious beauty products again and forever more.
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