Real Girl Beauty

For every girl who's imagined herself as Lucky Magazine's "Lucky Girl." Or who's conquered her addiction to the bitchier-than-thou forums. Or who reacts every day to her Daily Candy email with the same: "Who can afford that?" Here are some heartfelt health and beauty tips from one Real Girl to another.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Man Care: The Ultimate Blogger Linkaroo

Update: Immunity!!! My man-care Real Girl entry won me a guaranteed pass to participate in the next Ultimate Blogger Bloggerific challenge. Wheeeee!!! Real Girl's happyyyyy! (As will be many, many women with newly groomtastic boyfriends.)

Finally, my dearests. A challenge on Ultimate Blogger where Zoe can write as Real Girl. For my latest entry, I wrote all about Grooming for Men. It? Was exhausting.

I'm a wee bit sad, my lovelies. We were asked to showcase our expertises. Clearly you know what mine is. But the Ultimate Blogger judges tend to go gaga over computers, technology, videos...and that's everyone's specialty but mine. So I think I'm a bit of an underdog this time around, and I'm just hoping to stay in the competition and last one more week.

I've worked so, so hard. And if nothing else, I hope you guys enjoy the Man version of RGB!!

Much love,
Real Girl