A Truly Great, Page-Turning Read!!

Wow. I've been wanting to tell you guys about "the novel" for so long, and now that it's in stores (as of today!), I hope you'll run out and grab a copy of PICK ME UP, also available at Amazon.com. I was extremely lucky to get a quote from Sophie Kinsella, who says on the front cover, "Clever, witty, and fun!" and on the back, "So funny! Izzy is a great character." Sophie Kinsella, by the way? Nicest woman EVER.
Guys, where do I start? A synopsis? A review? Just me babbling about how much I love the novel? Asking you always generous people to mention the thing on your own fab blogs? Let me just say this first: Real Girl hasn't been working on finding products to save you from laugh lines for nothing. Prepare for laughs. And awwws. And for charatcters you'll wish you could meet in person (if you're anything like me, that is!). You know I don't recommend things half-heartedly. I wrote the book I wanted to read, and I couldn't be happier with it. (Ok, so that was babbling first, wasn't it?)
Here's a SYNOPSIS!
For years, Izzy Duncan has dreamed of becoming New York's hottest art dealer. Now finally, her goal lies just within reach. As the director of the Emerson Bond Gallery, Izzy's expecting a whopping promotion--one she wants so badly, she's almost afraid to hope for it.
Then Emerson Bond drops dead.
Suddenly, Izzy's fabulously huggable boss Freddie, the adorable punk receptionist Kimmy, and devoted, well-meaning Izzy herself might all be out of a job.
The timing couldn't be worse. Izzy's childhood nemesis has a wedding coming up--and there's no getting out of it. And Jamie, Izzy's best guy friend, finds his greatest success as a newspaper columnist by advising all of New York to revive the age-old ritual of the pick-up line--which seems to work for everyone in the city except Izzy.
Izzy's happiness and professional future now lie in the hands of two men: one, the new insufferable star artist, who can't wait for any chance he gets to taunt Izzy mercilessly, but whose show will be her most crucial yet. And the other? The other is the new blood at the Bond Gallery, Avery Devon-the man so gorgeous, she can't even speak to him. The man who, if she's really, really lucky, will teach her all about the art of love...and not just in her dreams.
I know I've told you this before, but I feel so blessed to have the readers here at RGB that I do. I have received one nasty email in over a year and a half of blogging. And you're always so fabulous at reviews and recommendations. Plus, you guys are just supportive. And I love that so much.
Publicizing a novel these days--especially for a first time author--is one of the toughest tasks you can imagine. How do you get the word out when there's so much competition? If you all could help spread the word--either to friends or on blogs or message boards or anything!--I can't tell you how grateful I would be. It would be like you-just-gave-me-a-gift-bag-full-of-free-lip-glosses kind of grateful.
You can find out more information about the novel (and about me, although how interesting could that be?) at zoerice.com (Real Boy did the design--isn't it adorable!? Thanks, Real Boy!). I've also started a blog just for the novel where I'll post updates. And I'm also on Myspace now, where I'm hosting a contest for a free copy of PICK ME UP. It's free to join, please be my friend!
AND, here's the best thing! If you're in the New York Metropolitan area, you can come see me read at the Park Slope, Brooklyn (my home town) Barnes & Noble on Wednesday, June 14th at 7:30 PM. The address is: 267 Seventh Ave. (corner of 6th St.) The F Train stop at 7th Avenue is only three short blocks away. Please make sure to introduce yourself, because I'd love to meet you.
Finally, you lovely people, here's my first review, from Booklist!
Pick Me Up. Rice, Zoe (author). June 2006. 288p. NAL, paperback, $12.95 REVIEW.
Chick-lit takes on the New York art scene in Rice’s enjoyable debut. Gallery director Izzy Duncan is beginning to make her mark at the Emerson Bond Gallery. When the gallery’s eccentric benefactor suddenly dies, Izzy’s life is thrown into a tailspin. She thinks her new boss may just be her Prince Charming, and her ardor overrides her concern over the direction he’s taking the gallery. Meanwhile, she’s working overtime to get back in the good graces of a new artist she inadvertently offended. There’s a Sex in the City vibe to this novel that will attract some readers, and a sentimental side that will appeal to the true romantics. Izzy is entrenched in the glamorous world of artists and celebrities, but her own hopes and problems seem realistic. This book is bound to please young women seeking the same sort of fulfillment in their work and love lives that Izzy is.
But what about you guys? Have you got questions? Shout outs? Anything to tell me at all? Because of all the things you know about me, you certainly know I love to hear ya!
Much love,
Real Girl
(aka Zoe)
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